• "My biggest takeaway from the retreat was to be equally yoked with Jesus and let the Master craft me to be the person He has created me to be."

    Yeshua Retreat Participant

  • "My only regret is that I have to wait a whole year before the next one."

    Yeshua Retreat Participant

  • "The whole retreat was so heartfelt that I was wishing it would last forever"

    Yeshua Retreat Participant

Keynote Speakers & Retreat Chaplain

  • Jake Khym

    Jake Khym

    Jake is a Catholic leader with over 20 years experience in various ministry settings. He has a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with a concentration in Catechetics.

    Jake has worked in adult faith formation, seminarian and priestly formation, diocesan evangelization, catechesis, RCIA, retreat ministry, and has a private counseling practice for over 15 years. Currently, Jake offers human and pastoral formation to Catholic leaders, is a consultant to Dioceses and ministries across North America, accompanies male leaders on their journey of faith, and co-hosts two podcasts, Restore the Glory and Way of the Heart. Jake’s heart for forming good, potent men for the building of God’s Kingdom is seen in every aspect of his ministry.

    With two children at university, Jake currently lives in Abbotsford, BC with his wife Heather and one of their three children.

  • Peter White

    Peter G. White

    Peter G. White, an apprentice of Jesus, lives in Abbotsford, BC, where he has operate a private psychotherapeutic practice for 15-years. A grateful husband to his wife, Kandy, and father to his three wonderful children, Pete began his early career as a carpenter, where he worked with his hands for 10 years before shifting his focus to
    human renovation efforts.

    Pete’s hope is to see the character of Christ realized in the places that are most precious, whether spousal, familial, social, educational or societal. Pete’s clinical experience spans forensic, correctional, residential addiction treatment and private practice settings.

    Pete is also the owner of Vocatio: an organization that is focused on equipping and accompanying men in the discovery and fulfillment of their life’s calling.

    He deeply loves the Church and is a grateful guide and accompanier to parishioners and Christian leaders. Pete loves to explore the intersection between psychology and theology with any who are willing to venture there with him (especially if they’re willing to carry a fly rod or a hunting rifle).

  • Rev. Joseph Park OSB (Chaplain)

    Father Joseph Park OSB broke off an engagement for marriage (1 week before the wedding) in 1983 to begin studying for the priesthood at the Seminary of Christ the King in Mission, BC.

    In 1985, he entered the Community of Westminster Abbey as a postulant and professed final vows in 1989 as a Benedictine monk. He was ordained with other confreres in 1992 by Archbishop Adam Exner OMI.

    Father Joseph has been teaching in both the high school seminary and the major seminary, offering subjects such as Sociology, Homiletics, Catechetics, Geology, and the sciences. He completed a Masters in Science Education in 1997 at Western Washington University.

    Additionally, he works in the seminary as a human formator and a spiritual director. Father Joseph also completed a three-year program with the Institute of Priestly Formation (IPF), receiving certificates for directing priestly spirituality and guiding guided retreats.

Check out the retreat highlights


2023 Women's Retreat: The One